About the session
Welcome to the NHS Addictions Provider Alliance 2020 Virtual Conference. In the last session of the afternoon we are joined by Peter Burkinshaw from Public Health England, our expert speaker panel for a live Q&A session, and Danny Hames, Chair of NHS APA.
Session Agenda
Public Health England - Presented by Peter Burkinshaw
Live Q&A With our Expert Speaker Panel - Presented by Danny Hames
Closing Remarks - Presented by Danny Hames
Speaker 1: Peter Burkinshaw from Public Health England. Speaker 2: Live Q&A with Expert Panel. Speaker 3: Danny Hames
#PublicHealthEngland #DrEmilyFinch #DannyHames #Gambling #harmreduction #recovery #2020Conference #events #MatthewGaskell #PeterBurkinshaw #PHE #DrEdDay