If you would like to show your support for our Find A New Happy Hour campaign, please find a list of downloadable resources below.
NHS APA would like to thank everybody who has supported our campaign so far.
To show your support for the campaign on your website, newsletters or email footer, please download our 'proud supporter' badge.

If you would like to show your support for the campaign on Twitter, please see sample tweets and campaign graphics you can copy & paste below plus some additional downloadable resources you can share via your social media.
Campaign Social Media Posts & Graphics

Social post example: Do you use alcohol to relax? One way to look after your mental health & cut back on your alcohol intake is to find other activities that help you relax. Find more tips & advice here: http://bit.ly/NHSAPA-NHH

Social post example: Instead of turning to alcohol when you feel down or depressed speak to someone you trust. Sharing the issue with a friend or family member could be the first step towards overcoming it. Find more tips & advice here: http://bit.ly/NHSAPA-NHH
Download Resources

Social post example: Drinking might feel offer short-term relief, but it’s not a long-term solution. Why not take up a project or hobby that will bring you pride and happiness?
Find more tips & advice here: http://bit.ly/NHSAPA-NHH
Download Resources

Social post example: Including more exercise in your day-to-day routine could be a great way to manage stress and improve your mental well being.
Find more tips & advice here: http://bit.ly/NHSAPA-NHH
Download Resources

Social post example: Help yourself and the NHS. Keep track of your drinking by making a note on paper or download the 'Try Dry' app. Find more tips and ideas here: http://bit.ly/NHSAPA-NHH #newhappyhour
Download Resources

Social post example: Help yourself and the #NHS by managing your drinking. Find something that keeps your hands busy such as a colouring book, writing a diary or catching up on unfinished home projects. Find more tips and ideas here: http://bit.ly/NHSAPA-NHH #newhappyhour
Download Resources
Social Media sample post: Help yourself and the #NHS during Covid-19. If you choose to have an alcoholic drink, try switching to something with a lower % ABV.
Find more tips and ideas here: http://bit.ly/NHSAPA-NHH #newhappyhour

Social Media sample post: Help yourself and the #NHS during Covid-19. If you choose to have an alcoholic drink, try switching to something with a lower % ABV.
Find more tips and ideas here: http://bit.ly/NHSAPA-NHH #newhappyhour
Social media sample post: Finding your New Happy Hour and reducing your alcohol intake has many great benefits.
Find tips and ideas on how to reduce your alcohol intake here: http://bit.ly/NHSAPA-NHH #newhappyhour

Social media sample post: Find a new meaning in 'Happy Hour'. If you're working remotely, use the time you would normally spend commuting to do something you don't normally have the time to do such as reading a book, calling a friend or exercising. Find more tips and ideas here: http://bit.ly/NHSAPA-NHH #newhappyhour

Social media sample post: 1 in 3 people have been drinking less often during lockdown. As lockdown measures are lifted, try and keep up any healthy lockdown habits. Here are some tips on how you can cut down your drinking too: http://bit.ly/NHSAPA-NHH #newhappyhour

Social media sample post: If you're worried about someone else's drinking, there are a range of different support options available through the NHS. Find out more: http://bit.ly/NHSAPA-NHH #newhappyhour
Social media sample post: Find a new meaning in 'Happy Hour'. If you're working remotely, use the time you would normally spend commuting to do something you don't normally have the time to do such as reading a book, calling a friend or exercising. Find more tips and ideas here: http://bit.ly/NHSAPA-NHH #newhappyhour