The NHS APA invites you to join us at our free and virtual conference on Tuesday 8th of November 2022.
Following on from our 2021 conference which focused on spotlighting the problem of stigma and its impact on people with addiction, our 2022 conference aims to build upon its success and the success of our #StigmaKills campaign to put strategies for tackling stigma into real action, both as individuals and across our sector.
Acting together with purpose we can begin to break down and challenge stigma with the fundamental aim of enabling more people to seek help or access the vital treatment and support they need to maintain their safety and recover from addiction.
​This event will be provided online and for free for all delegates. Register your place today.
We look forward to you joining us on the 8th of November 2022.
We will hear from a range of speakers including presentations from clinical professionals, third sector leaders, and people who have lived experience of stigma. The conference will address:
How we can challenge and reduce the impact of stigma in services and in society;
How we can educate ourselves and others on issues related to stigma;
The impact of stigmatising language on people living with addiction, and how we can address it.

Dr. Charlotte Colman
Associate Professor Drug Policy and Criminology, Ghent University
National Drug Coordinator/President of the General Drugs Cell

George Charlton
MA, Dip Couns. Dip Ed. MBACP
George Charlton Training & Consultancy Services

Hep C U Later
Deanne Burch, Louise Hansford, and Tony Mullaney

Danny Hames
Chair of The NHS APA, will open this year's conference

Panel Q&A
Panel Q&A with Howard King, MD for Specialist Services at MPFT, Andy Ryan, Head of Services for Changing Lives & Kate Hall
Clare Wyllie
Tackling Gambling Stigma

Panel Q&A
Panel Q&A with Owen Baily, Gambling Peer Support Worker at CNWL National Problem Gambling Clinic, Danny Hames, Head of Inclusion & NHS APA Chair, and George Charlton!
Karen Biggs
Chief Executive of Phoenix Futures, will chair the afternoon of this year's conference

Roy Lilley
Keynote Speaker

Sue Baker OBE
Keynote Speaker

Recovery Wellness Collective CIC / Stitch Away the Stigma
Natalie Needham & Colleen Lally

Rob Stebbings
sponsorship opportunities
For this year's annual conference, which is focusing on Stigma, we are anticipating between 700 and 900 delegates attending from all across the UK and internationally.
Previous NHS APA conferences have attracted Directors of Public Health, Substance Misuse workers, Public Health Commissioners, ICS/PCN (previously CCG) Leads, Drug & Alcohol Recovery Managers, Directors of Operations, Senior Managers & Decision Makers, Partnership Coordinators, Behaviour Support Managers, Academics, Health Sectors, Local Authorities, Voluntary Sector, Treatment Funders, Researchers and Policy Makers.
To see previous year’s events please visit our 2021 conference page.
If you are interested in sponsoring this event, there are multiple levels of sponsorship available. Depending on the package you choose, you may also have a dedicated sponsor page that is linked to the main conference page, alongside multiple other features to ensure the prominence of your company name or product.
For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please download our sponsorship booklet and contact us with any further enquiries.
Please note: The NHS APA is a not-for-profit organisation and operates a fair policy with regard to sponsorship. Organisations wishing to sponsor the conference will be reviewed and assessed in terms of the NHS APA’s ethical guidelines and standards prior to sponsorship being agreed upon.
free virtual exhibition

This year our APA 2022 conference will include a digital exhibition for showcasing a campaign paper or body of research. This is an excellent opportunity to disseminate your research with an audience of 700-900 delegates working within the drug and alcohol treatment sector- you will also be able to provide a short summary of your research and contact details for any follow-up enquiries which are generated from the exhibition.
Exhibition submissions for this year's event are now closed.
Everyone knows someone who has experienced addiction at some point in their lives, from substance misuse to gambling or gaming addiction.
Our campaign aims to highlight the damaging effects of stigmatising language and attitudes to those who experience addiction. It asks for all of us as individuals to look beyond the addiction and to see the person behind it and hear their story. It also aims to break down the myths and misconceptions around addiction demonstrating it is both a mental and physical health condition and not a person's choice.
Last year's conference shone a spotlight on the problem of stigma and considered the impact of stigma on people living with addiction. Speakers and topics included:

the alcohol race alliance
breaking stigma down

the impact of stigma on people with addiction

stigma: learning from service users

experiences with stigma within treatment systems
To watch all of the sessions on-demand, click the button below.