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blogs and news

No light at the end of the bottle...
The latest ONS alcohol mortality statistics paint a grim outlook, but why have we ended up in this situation & what can be done?
7 min read

Five ways to keep your #NewHappyHour on track
Here are our tips on keeping your #NewHappyHour on track.
2 min read

Find A New Happy Hour: Manage Your Drinking Habits and Improve Your Mental Wellbeing
Many of us use alcohol as a short term strategy to improve our mood. Here are four ways you can boost your mental health without drinking.
2 min read

Matt Zarb-Cousin: How My Gambling Addiction Drew Me Into Activism
30 year old Matt Zarb-Cousin is a recovered gambling addict, turned activist, lobbying for reform to gambling legislation.
4 min read

Take 20 to Talk about Mental Health this #WorldMentalHealthDay
NHS APA members, Inclusion, use in-house mental health expertise to support staff during Covid-19 pandemic.
3 min read

How the Covid-19 pandemic is fast-tracking the move to digital platforms within addiction services
Social distancing measures mean that digital technology is playing an increasingly vital role in the delivery of treatment.
3 min read

Working Together Across Dorset To Eliminate Hepatitis C During The Covid 19 Pandemic
Providers across Dorset formed an innovative cross-provider partnership that is enabling the Dorset HCV Elimination Project to continue.
3 min read

Smoking Cessation Support in Manchester’s homeless hotels during COVID-19
GMHSCP’s smoking cessation programme provides support to the city's homeless population to reduce infection risk during Covid-19.
4 min read

Supervised Dispensing after Covid-19
How do we incorporate the lessons learned from the changes to supervised dispensary during the pandemic?
2 min read

NHS APA's #NewHappyHour campaign supports sensible alcohol consumption during the pandemic
The NHS APA #NewHappyHour campaign has been shared nationally, providing tips and advice for people managing their alcohol intake during the
2 min read

Reducing The Spread of Blood Borne Viruses During Covid-19
As part of an innovative initiative during lockdown, staff are utilising a mobile outreach van to deliver needle exchange to service users.
3 min read

Moving To A Digital Service During Lockdown - What Have We Learned?
"I can guarantee that we are now seeing people that we’ve never seen before, because of this new digital offer."
5 min read

Overdose Prevention Centres - Should We Support Them?
Entering a new phase of Covid-19, NHS APA asks: Should Overdose Prevention Centres be considered as a harm reduction approach in England?
4 min read

Covid-19 and Alcohol Dependency: Looking After Yourself During Lockdown
To help people who are struggling during lockdown, we have created a harm reduction guide for self-reducing alcohol intake at home.
4 min read

Delivering OST During The COVID-19 Crisis: How to set up a Programme in Your Area
Jon Shorrock and Will Haydock provide advice on setting up a programme in your area.
2 min read

Innovative Programme Ensures Service Users Receive OST Prescriptions During Pandemic
Innovative partnership work during the pandemic is a remarkable example of collaboration between service users, carers and organisations.
4 min read

Coronavirus: A Time to Bring Down Organisational Barriers
A statement from our Chair, Danny Hames.
2 min read
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